
We excel at developing innovative ideas.

Should You Use Next.Js for Your Next Project?

The answer is yes. With server-side rendering, static site generation, dynamic routing & seamless integration features, it's the ideal framework.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
9 min read

Do I Need A Business Website?

Yes, you need a website. It's an asset that grows over time and helps you stay competitive.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
7 min read

Web Internationalization & Localization: The Complete Rundown

Web internationalization and localization is the "next big goal" for many eComm and SaaS brands.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

Shopify Oxygen Review

Trying to figure out if Hydrogen is better than Vercel? We'll give you some clues as to which headless hosting solution is the best.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

WordPress Localization and Internationalization: Can It Be Done? Should It Be Done?

WordPress can be set up to deliver internationalized content. It’s not the most elegant solution. Let me talk you through the best options.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
26 min read

Comparing Headless CMS, Traditional CMS, Hybrid CMS, and Static Site Generators for Business Websites

We help you understand the options for effective content management to find the right fit for your business.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
25 min read

Making a Choice Between Composable and Headless Commerce

Full Modularity or Front-end Agility? Choose the right architecture for your business. We discuss the differences and strategic considerations.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

Integration Testing: Ensuring Reliable Web Development

Enhance web development reliability with this comprehensive guide to integration testing strategies and techniques.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
6 min read

JavaScript Frameworks: Enhance Your Web Development

Amplify your web projects with React, Angular, Vue, or Svelte and create impressive digital experiences using Javascript frameworks preferred by industry leaders.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
8 min read

Choosing the Right CMS Architecture: Headless vs. Decoupled

We demystify the contrasting characteristics of headless and decoupled CMS architectures to help you choose the most suitable approach.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
24 min read

Content Modeling: Optimizing Digital Content Management

Efficiently manage e-commerce content with content modeling. Maximize content value and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
4 min read

Choosing Python for eCommerce!?

Discover the versatility of Python in eCommerce. Our guide explores frameworks, scalability, and business applicability for success.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
25 min read

The Roles of UI Designers and Front-end Developers in Digital Success

We explain the vital distinction between UI designers and front-end developers to demonstrate how their collaboration drives digital success

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
2 min read

Headless APIs: Empowering Modern App Development

Headless APIs bring versatility to modern app development, enabling flexibility, scalability, and effortless cross-platform integration.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
4 min read

Strapi vs. Ghost: Choosing the Ideal CMS for Your Website

Choose the CMS that suits your content needs. We examine their features, advantages, and use cases to help you make an informed decision.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

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