Latest tips on Design from Clean Commit Team

SEO Considerations When Redesigning Your Website

Online shopping increased significantly as a result of COVID-19 and the accompanying lockdowns. And this is not a passing occurrence.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

Customer Experience (CX) - Why It Pays To Invest In CX

Customer experience refers to your business's customers' perception of dealing with you.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
27 min read

Is Mobile First Always The Best Approach?

Mobile-first design is a term thrown around a lot in the UI and web design industries, but there often need to be more clarity about what it is and why you should use it.

Patryk Michalski
Patryk Michalski
29 min read

Digital Product Design Process

Digital products have the unique ability to scale to global proportions with relatively few fixed costs.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
30 min read

How To Improve UX Using Micro-Interactions

Micro-interactions are a great way to improve the user experience (UX) of your website or app.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

SaaS Design: A Mobile-First Approach

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years and not without reason.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
27 min read

The Ultimate Website Redesign Process Guide 2022

Redesigning your website is simply part of running a business with a successful online presence.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
31 min read

How To Design A Good Search Engine

Designing a good search engine, or search feature makes life a lot easier for visitors.

Patryk Michalski
Patryk Michalski
24 min read

Case Study: Complyant

The Complyant team were scouting for a design and development partner to help redesign their application.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
24 min read

How can UX Design help your blog?

If your website doesn’t have a blog, your business is ignoring a huge opportunity.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
27 min read

Impact Of A Well Designed Website To An E-Business

Website design is at the heart of almost every digital promotion. The impact of a well designed website to an e-business is huge. It is often the deciding factor in whether a visitor will do business with a company. This article explores the ways website design impacts business.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
25 min read

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