All stories and ideas from Clean Commit

Clean Commit Design Award Candidates

Our team doesn't design specifically for awards or external recognition. That's typically a poor way to build a high-converting website.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
22 min read

Is Mobile First Always The Best Approach?

Mobile-first design is a term thrown around a lot in the UI and web design industries, but there often need to be more clarity about what it is and why you should use it.

Patryk Michalski
Patryk Michalski
29 min read

Why Use PostgreSQL For Your Next Project?

MySQL has been the king of databases for a long time, but these days there are relational DBs, document DBs, graph DBs, and K/SV stores.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
30 min read

How to Write a Good User Story: with Examples & Templates

Writing requirements for a software project without a structure is a complete nightmare.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

Is Test-Driven Development (TDD) Worth The Effort?

Test-driven development (TDD) solves some of the chaos introduced by an agile software development methodology by forcing the devs to consider the behaviour they're looking to achieve before writing code.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

React vs Vue: Which Frontend Framework Is The Best?

If you're jumping into building a new web application, you'll need to commit to a frontend framework.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

GraphQL vs REST - Is GraphQL The New API King?

GraphQL is spoken about as the successor to REST APIs for good reason.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

React vs. Angular: Which One Should You Choose?

In the world of front-end web development, there are three major players: React, Angular, and Vue.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

Discovery Phase In Software Development - Get It Right And Win Big!

It makes sense to have a plan before you start a software development project.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
30 min read

What is API testing and why is it awesome?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a tool used to facilitate efficient communication between software components.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
28 min read

Progressive Web Applications vs React Native – A Guide To Picking The Right Technology

Everyone business that sells products online knows that mobile is king.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
30 min read

tRPC vs GraphQL: How to choose the best option for your next project

GraphQL has become the successor to REST as the standard for building APIs.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
30 min read

Sending Emails in Laravel: Mailable Classes, Templates & Laravel Versions

For creating apps with PHP, software engineers may choose Laravel, a PHP framework that optimizes emailing processes.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
26 min read

MEAN vs MERN - The Ultimate Comparison 2023

MEAN and MERN stacks are popular technology stacks for web application development.

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson
29 min read

Gatsby Starter Henlo - The Best Starter for Netlify CMS

Gatsby is arguably the best choice for building simple, lightweight, highly optimized websites.

Wojciech Kałużny
Wojciech Kałużny
25 min read

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